Post(s) Available for Application
Start Date
End Date
Application Status Enquiry
Update Personal Particulars
Update bank account information (For appointed markers and oral examiners)
Survey for Exam Personnel
Reference Document
User Manual:
-- TSA

Other Information:
-- Marker Information (HKDSE)
-- Marker Information (TSA -- Secondary Schools)
-- Marker Information (TSA - Primary Schools)
-- Notes to Applicants (HKDSE Chinese Language)
-- Notes to Applicants (HKDSE English Language)
-- Oral Examiner Information (TSA)
-- ABRSM Practical Exams Waiting Room Supervisor Information
-- Oral Examiner Information (GCE / IGCSE)
-- Authorisation Form for Collection of Marking Materials
-- Training for Exam Personnel on Corruption Prevention
-- Abbreviations of Assessment Centre Name

Quality Policy

  • Territory-wide System Assessment 2024 (TSA 2024)
    Teachers are invited to serve as Markers for the TSA 2024 by the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority. Teachers should apply to be Markers using their School Account.
  • On-screen Marking Period
    P.3 and P.6 Chinese, English and Mathematics: 6 July to 20 July 2024
    S.3 Chinese, English and Mathematics: 10 July to 27 July 2024
  • Application for Markers
    Start Date End Date
    25 March 2024 19 April 2024*
    * The deadline for Markers’ application has been extended to 26 April 2024.
  • Endorsement of Markers’ Application
    Start Date End Date
    27 March 2024 26 April 2024**
    ** The deadline for Principal endorsement of Markers’ application has been extended to 3 May 2024.
  • All information submitted by applicants must be verified by their school principal to ensure it is correct. All applications should be endorsed as verified by 26 April 2024**. It is important to note that any late applications and those applications that have not been endorsed by the applicants’ principal will not be accepted.
    ** The deadline for Principal endorsement of Markers’ applications has been extended to 3 May 2024.
  • All information will be kept confidential by the Authority and will be used exclusively for recruitment purposes. Information on all unsuccessful candidates will be destroyed after the exercise.
  • It is the policy of the Authority NOT to appoint any examination personnel applicants who will be taking the subject examination concerned.
  • It is the policy of the Authority NOT to appoint any examination personnel applicants who are teaching or involved in the management of a tutorial school or have any direct or indirect interest in the ownership of a tutorial school. This restriction also applies to applicants whose immediate family members / persons with whom they have close personal ties are teaching or involved in the management of a tutorial school or have any direct or indirect interest in the ownership of a tutorial school.
  • It is the policy of the Authority NOT to appoint any examination personnel applicants who are the author / editor / publisher of textbooks / reference books / exercises which have either been published or are being prepared for publication in connection with the subject / paper at the level concerned (except for CDC / HKEAA publications).
  • Applicants who knowingly provide false information will be disqualified.
  • Your login session will expire if the computer is left idle for 30 minutes. Incomplete applications will not be saved. When the session has expired, you will need to log in again.
  • The work of the HKEAA examination personnel is highly confidential in nature. All examination personnel are required to conduct the examinations in accordance with stipulated procedures and are required to sign an undertaking not to divulge their appointment or any confidential information to unauthorised persons, nor to be involved in such work that would result in potential conflicts of interest.
  • If you have been granted a visa / an entry permit by the HKSAR Immigration Department, you are required to check the conditions of your visa / entry permit in order to ascertain your eligibility to carry out paid work during your stay in Hong Kong.
  • In addition, making declarations of interest is strictly required of all examination personnel having access to examination information / materials / documents in order to avoid any potential conflicts of interest. This declaration covers the spouse, immediate family members as well as persons who are residing in the home of the declarant concerned. Applicants who have any connections with the staff or management of a tutorial school will not be appointed to be invigilators in public examinations.
  • The personal data in relation to your application for the provision of exam personnel service will be kept confidential and will be used by the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (the Authority) for the following purposes:
          -  to assess the suitability of candidates for vacancies;
          -  to process your application; and
          -  to determine the relevant terms and conditions of the appointment.
  • Your personal data collected may be provided to divisions / units, and / or any internal / external parties which the Authority considers appropriate in connection with the purposes mentioned above.
  • Completion of all items on the application form is obligatory to facilitate selection and appointment. Failure to provide these data may prevent the Authority from processing and assessing your application. Please note that gender is not used for selection, but is necessary for pairing oral examiners into teams or for assigning invigilators to examination centres.
  • For marking assistant applicants, your personal data collected on the result of the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination and / or Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination conducted by the Authority may be checked against the dataset kept by the Authority for verification in connection with the purposes mentioned above.
  • If your application is successful, you are required to provide the Authority with your bank account details for payment purposes.
  • You are required to promptly notify the Authority if there are any changes to the information provided after submission of the application.
  • It is our policy to retain the personal data of successful applicants for future reference for a period of not longer than seven years and those of unsuccessful applicants for two years. When similar service is required by the Authority during the period, we may transfer your personal data to relevant units within the Authority for their consideration. Thereafter, your application together with all materials you provide will be disposed of unless there is a subsisting reason that obliges the Authority to retain the personal data for a longer period.
  • Under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, you may request access to, and / or correction of your personal data held by the Authority. If you wish to do so, please make the relevant data access request in accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance in writing [for HKDSE:; for TSA:]. In accordance with the terms of the Ordinance, the Authority has the right to charge a reasonable fee for the processing of any data access request.
  • Suggest using Internet Explorer 6.0 or above; Firefox 3.5 or above; Chrome 6 or above; Safari 5 or above (Please disable the browser popup blocker)
  • PC with 1GB or above system memory is recommended
  • The application is best viewed with 1024 x 768 resolutions
  • The application requires Adobe Reader 7.0 or above
Terms of Use
Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority
All rights reserved